For my wedding favours I was going to give the ladies some chocolates in a pretty reusable bag but unsure what to give to the gents. Did not want to give a minature of alcohol so wondered did...
I have been talking to a guy for almost three yrs but he has a girlfriend. I dont know how to stop talking to him. He says he loves me but cant leave his girlfriend of 10 yrs. What...
does anyone know of any music videos that use close up shots of eyes blinking, possibly sped up. i think i've seen some like it but cant think what for. its for an art project!
Violence is up again on the London streets. A gay man was brutally murdered last week-end for no apparent reasons. Few weeks ago a man was murdered in his own house following a burglary. On...
for the past week everytime i wash my hair afterwards it still loks greasy, could it be a build upof hairspray if so how can i get rid of it because ordinary shampoo an conditioner is not working
Reading D.W.Winnicott I came accross these two words: comforter and soother. It is very important for me to know the difference between them in English - (D.W.W. was great English child psychoanalyst)...
Is there anything I can do to help aid my nervous system, as in supplements, lifestyle, etc. When I get nervous I get very twitchy and extremly tongue tied. This is starting to affect my everyday...
why does my 17 year old cat keep pulling her fur out?she's otherwise healthy,lives a peaceful quiet life,and is still very active (even hunting mice and birds!!!).she's fully innoculated,speyed,wormed...
This used to be a BBC TV series, back in the 80's, and I was wondering if anyone knows if you can get it anywhere on DVD. I've tried the BBC website, Amazon and Play...any ideas??