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what note comes after 8th note?
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What are the meanings of meaning of 'worked our asses off' and 'I'll have to check it out' in the following sentences? "Do they have gyms and such?" Ray asked, aiding the conversation. He really...
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How is it pronounced?
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Did anyone see the vasectomy live on this morning tv. That was enough to put any chap off.
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my colleagues and i at work use this annoying phrase "no problem" all the time. i am really beginning to irritate myself - why should there be a "problem" if i'm asked to do something. any ideas what...
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does anyone besides me like leonard cohen?
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No theme, but want something fabulous.   What's the best costume you've ever seen?  (I'm a twenty-something female in dire need of inspiration)
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What is the meaning of 'break' in the following sentences?   "Aren't there some ethical problems?"  "There are no ethics anymore, Bro. You're in la-la land. Ethics are only for people like...
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What is the meaning of "the usual", "picked on the wrong guy" in the following sentences?   He went to a bar, got drunk, got in a fight, the usual. Looks like he picked on the wrong guy, now he's...
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I've just noticed that the under-side of my tongue has black patches running along the centre.. is this normal? I'm 18 and have been smoking for a year.. concerned...
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Why do I have no energy after eating?
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really stupid pointless question i know but just a debate im having with someone. do americans have jam doughnuts like us english or just ring doughnuts?
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where were you when you heard john lennon was shot?
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who was the artist that made this a hit
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Tomorrow is my first day back at work for ages- first day back in the classroom. I am dreading it. No let up now til Xmas. Please can you give me a nice thought that I can think about at some point in...
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My mam has been for her breast screening and she has recieved a letter asking for her to go back for another checkup. is this usually routine? I am worried
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I'm putting together a Cheesy Music CD for a friends party but I'm struggling to think of any absolute corkers!! Can you help me??? I'm talking songs like: Timmy Mallet - Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny...
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What caused the EEC toilet paper shortage in 1975 ?
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Can anyone stateside tell me what one of these is? I know it's an honour given out at a Prom, but what for? Thanks!
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is this phrase being used more and more....seem to hear people say it all the time!!!

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