There's a girl I really like at work. We've both been with the company for about 18 months, and for the last year or so, we've been moving to that point of being more friendly; I don't mean...
I put some chopped Spring onions in my fridge earlier, i have since taken them out and the smell still remains in my fridge. How do i get rid of the smell? I already have on of those Fridge fresh...
Why are we so, almost surgically, attached to this incredibly innefficient form of transport, what can society do? is motoring too cheap if the masses have it? Where did we go wrong? Why is my kid's...
does anyone know of a kind of medley of famous classical music put together with a 70's beat to dad used to play it years ago and i recently heard it on holiday and was wondering what it was...
OK, this may be just a Northern thing, but has anyone heard the phrase "His/her cat's died", when referring to someone wearing trousers that are too short for them? I've never understood why wearing...
Notwithstanding the influence of television, film, international communications and travel, will American and British varieties of the English language ever diverge to the extent that they are...
With reference to writing a letter why do Americans say "write me", "write her" and "write Bob" instead of "write to me", write to her" and "write to Bob"?
What supid question have you asked or been asked? In a tea room recently a customer at the table behind me asked what soup they had. The waitress said Carrot and Coriander. Oh I have...
I dont understand y men go on tv n admit to cookin, like jamie olivia, n anlsy ramsy or wotevr ther names r.Dont they realise that peopl r lafin at them think, u aint a woman, y r u in the kitchen?