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For tradey... Hope everything goes okay at the doctors today, hun. Thinking of you xxx
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Just going on from my previous post, I thought Id dedicate the question to its own post. Has anyone a list of things they want to do before their 30?
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Would a 'junior' size 5 be different to a ladies size 5?
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were to grant you one favour, what would you ask ?
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Can anyone tell me the difference between a Prebiotic and a Probiotic? thanks =0)
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I am 30 and still a virgin? the wonderful thing about it, is that I feel normal and have numerous friends. What advice do U have for others out there, who may think it is not possible to be a virgin...
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hi All, As I think it's probable that I'm not going to be posting on answerbank much longer what sites do you post on aside from this one? I'd hate to lose touch completely with some people and...
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We are encouraged to drink lots of water, the water is very hard where I am, how does my body avoid looking like the inside of my kettle, ie coated in lime scale. I can see why the stomach would not...
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she was called Angela not sally!
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Who is the most amazing person you have ever met? I once met a 10 year old girl who was born into extreme poverty in the slums of India.She always said she would become a lawyer when she was...
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aliases are running riot and provoking discord. the marlboro men are making every other question vanish off the page? threads and posts are being vanished for no good reason. is it time for a change...
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I have had a very strange day.After 33 years as a GP I have finally retired.I feel a bit sentimental but am ready to enjoy my well deserved retirement.Starting with a trip home to India.I was...
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if he argues with anyone 2nite just remind him hes driving a YELLOW car would u be seen dead in a yellow car? ion280057.html
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when you very first came onto answerbank, was there any poster in particular that stood out from the rest. One that seemed very welcoming and made you feel that this was a good place to be?
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I've posted questions in other topics but get no answers or they take ages. Is everyone in here??
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why do people refer to passing urine as a no, 1 and a bowel movement as a no. 2 dread to think what a no. 3 is ?
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What happens if you are pregnant and think you might have cancer? Can you still have chemo or do you have to wait until the baby is born? Sensible answers only please and no I am not talking about...
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What is going on AB Ed ? I seem to have ended up with four identical questions about Creamola Foam in Food & Drink. I honestly only hit submit once so I don't know where those rogue duplicates came...
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Yes I know drink has alot to do with it but how does it make you feel so rough? Why does it give you a headache?
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hi guys i havnt been for a number 2 for 4 days ?? i dont usually suffer with my bowls and ideas how this can be caused!

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