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Will it be OK to use 10/40 mineral oil if (it is a decent make) to top up a ford endura 1.3 petrol engine which has 5/30 semi synth in it which is what the handbook says to use, The car has done...
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Hi. Can someone tell me the best way to stick back the plastic body trims that are half way up the doors on a Fiesta Mk IV. I tried a resin glue that you mix but it didn't really do it even though I...
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Is it an expensive job for the garage to replace the rear axle bushes on a Ford Ka (2002). My daughter has just been told they need replacing as it will fail the next MOT.
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I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Demio (year 2001) for a runabout. the price seems quite cheap so I'm wondering if I take a friend along who's a mechanic are there any specific problems to look for. For...
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My corsa b has just failed MOT on a cracked rear axle. I realise that a repair would probably exceed the value of the car but I just wondered if anyone could tell me how big a job it is and around how...
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In the high winds last week, we had a few tiles blow off our roof. The insurance company has sent us a claim form but one section asks about any previous claims on the building insurance. I remember...
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I often wonder why the days,weeks and months seem to pass more quickly as you get older. For example when I was in my twenties the hours and days seemed to drag by but now I am middle aged, time seems...
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At our company the shop floor employees are represented by a union for their annual pay negotiations which always results in them getting a higher pay rise than the monthly paid staff - in fact some...
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This phrase is slang for being on the dole or in receipt of social security benefits. I believe that "on the pan crack" originates from the coal mining areas of Yorkshire and I first heard...
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I have an old Vauxhall Corsa that we use as a little runabout. It needs new front pads but I have also checked the discs and one disc is very scored and the other is smooth. Can I get away with just...
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Hi Can anyone help? Am I correct in thinking that if you use fully synthetic oil in your car - you can only top up using the same thing i.e fully synthetic ? Would it damage the engine if you topped...
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I have changed the oil on my Fiesta Diesel but couldn't get the filter off as it is hard to get at unless you've got the vehicle over a pit - it is high up on the back of the engine. I've managed to...

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