Are they harmless to the fish? Obviously they aren't going to turn psycho and attack them, what i mean is do they carry any diseases or parasites which could be passed on to the fish and prove fatal?...
I have two male rats one called byson and one called baby. Byson is a big mature rat baby is not as big or as old as byson.When i went to feed them this morning i heard a loud repetitive skreaching...
I have a budgie in an outdoor aviary, a few months ago now, it lost it's flight feathers and haven't shown any sign of growing back. Is there anything I can do to help them grow back? Thank you for...
I have three cats, one cats terrorizes the timid one while I'm not home. The timid one is becoming more and more withdrawn. The third cat is indifferent. I'm seriously considering getting rid of the...
For a young friend of mine could we have some ideas of interesting careers with animals other than becoming a vet or vet nurse. For example, careers with the RSPCA or environmental groups. And what...
I've just read through the answers to "Is ox meat beef?" - 28/9/04. Some I knew, but a few niggling questions remain: these concern the meat that used to be referred to as "ox" (offal, I suppose),...
when is it a good time to let your dog/puppy have a bine? i mean like to bone from a leg of lamb? my puppy is 6 months old and i would like to let him have it. any suggestions anyone?