If I told all of you out there that my son's name is Rhett, what culture/ ethnicity would you think we were? I will explain the situation when I have some opinions on the question.
Im pretty dissapointed with my diet. I've been following it for nearly one month now. I used to eat junk food all the time, ready meals, pizza, lots of carbs like white rice and pasta, and 100g bar of...
have just stumbled on this video on youtube and it has made me feel really sad. My wonderfull golden retriover (called knobby and he got nonutts) chewed up his bed a little today after we took him for...
I am having eight for dinner on saturday,and thought i would make lasagne with salad i need some nibbles to start so i bought some bruschetta but stuck for toppingsand would like some sugestions,think...
do you beleive what people say that somewhere in the world there is a double of yourself? whilst i was on holiday i saw a man who looked the spitting image of my bfs dad i had to look about 4 times to...
Oooo-I am STEAMING!! he and his new partner(Faithless I call her) are going off to bloody Majorca tomorrow. And i have to remember all the times he went on his ****** buisiness trips and came back...
i suspect anyone who looks foreign as being a terrorist. i get nervous if I have to travel into Manchester in case a local lad has been deluded into thinking he should blow people up he does not know....
I bought what I thought would be a fab cookery book to do cakes with my kids but the receipes are for cake mixes which I can live with but then all they all say to use cake mixes with pudding or no...
it is quite a painstaking process, and a very skilled task, one that most people would only have done if they were going on holiday or something else special. imagine paying ?40 for a full set and the...
Do you let things simmer for a bit and then go off on one, or do you just erupt? I let things simmer and then i absolutely throw a wobbler. As I have done today with a holiday supplier...
My darling 21yr old daughter has just told me what she is giving me for my VERY significant birthday in August: a trip to New York to see my brother who I have not seen in 12yrs, and to shop til we...
Ok you are scared s**t of spiders and you are on your own or with your childrens but do not want to scare them too so what do you do? exterminates them by any means and force until there is no more...