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Ed, I'm having trouble getting into my PMs, in that I can't. Every time I try to open it, it's taking me back to the home page. Please could you sort it when you get the chance as they're waiting...
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Who would take up the Poison Chalice? I think they'd need to raving! Maybe the "Special one" would take the job on!
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you cant keep a good man down i am legend :-)
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whats the song called when norwich city score
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Emu2005 nationals/7100393.stm The fans don't like him, he hasn't done well, but he'll still get ?2.5m if they get rid of him - i bet he's REALLY gutted about...
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Should be getting shouted at now, do you think he'll do the honourable thing or just get the sack
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How does this work? It's certainly spooky!
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If you could take the credit for writing one song, what song would it be? Mines would be Gnarls Barkley crazy, I'm loving that song at the moment.
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Councils turn backs on care for older people ? Nearly 75% of authorities restrict social services ? Tens of thousands of the most vulnerable excluded The information, from the Commission for Social...
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Isn't it time England woke up to the reality that it is not amongst the best footballing nations? They have lots of talents and players who are heavily paid, but they have consistently under-achieved....
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i dont normally respond to nasty comments, but in this case i'll make an exeption. a mean person called my forum members a nasty name and said they all had low IQs, well , i dont rember your name man,...
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does anyone know what question has the most answers on AB???
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Our 5 month old son is struggling to sleep through. He is on solids and taking them fine along with his formula. We usually get him down by about 8pm Theres just something that makes him wake at about...
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Oneeyedvic you still think ID cards are a good idea. 25 Million individual's records and 7 1/4 Million families records all lost (maybe stolen). Data contained information such as names, dates of births...
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I stopped smoking this morning but i've just had a rollup after my tea. I feel properly gutted. Has anybody else tried to stop and failed at the first hurdle?
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Does anyone remember seeing a Rod Stewart concert on tele a few years ago. During it he introduced a young girl he'd discovered busking. She sang with him on stage. Who was she and has she got...
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what is the meaning of kaya as in the bob marley album
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was looking to get my fella a set of golf clubs for christmas that are good but yet reasonable, any suggestions??? need some ideas of what are good names etc. ta
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Is this as funny as I think it is?
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were to incarnate today in the U.K. (or the USA for our American friends) How would he live? Would he have a car? (as opposed to a donkey) and what kind of car would it be? Would his dwelling place be...

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