I plan to drive in Europe in the summer and I have just been reading up about it. It says I should get headlamp converters for driving on the right hand side of the car. What on earth is this/does...
1a ill disposed collie had some ringed spots of colour I have -c-l-i which are correct according to2, 3 & 4 down this is my last unsolved clue and I cannot think what it can be
Crusader X word Finished GK okay yet really stuck on the Cyrptic Xword. All help much appreciated :-) 26 Across) Sheep inside came to tie itself in knots(7) ??c?a?e 14a) Painter juxtaposes reindeer...
8a how many returned from leningrad - i - e 28a such no voters would nt vote either way anyway - n - r - h - s - s 3d one to give life after death - o - o -
Why is 18 across Stately? 18) Allowed to return home during visit at this home?(7) Know about a Stately home of course, yet want to understand the whole clue- helps me with further cryptics. Many...
Help please with a few cryptics, many thanks in advance you guys :-) 5 Down) conflicting with conflict(7) ?n?i?a? 20 Down)Claptrap from Greek character getting up form bed on board first(6)b???u? 22A)...
40d 6 letters section of many plants trees and shrubs containing the sepal calyx and corolla _l_ _ _r 46 a 7 letters an Aboriginal device used to throw a spear at a greater speed and force than using...
It would seem that the dear old DT have today published in the paper version of the newspaper the crossword they published on the Internet yesterday as Friday's crossword!! What fun for all you...
21 a. Philosopher getting on with soldiers (7) -----o-
11 d. Peer starts to take this excellent newspaper (7) -a-e---
14 d. Stopped being housed in a farm shed? (7) -t---ed