I want to learn at home and/or in the car maybe, my boyfriend is interested too so we can test each other and work on learning together, so that might be more appropriate to some packages than others....
31a electrical device measuring involuntary physiological activities such as pulse rate,perspiration etc used as a lie detector P- - Y- - A-H 36a genus to which the common shrew belongs -O- - X thanks...
Struggling again this week. Could you help, please. 1ac The walk is meandering and they're cold (5,5ltrs) ----h ---d- I think it could be something winds!! 2dn As ice forms in the water, will create...
Think I have left this one to late to finish it off before the closing date! 3. I leave Rich to get a man in and off to the Russian (11) 6. Mark gets the French on the waggon and I finish (9)...
expressions, song titles, food and at least one word represents a part of you 13) R.F.= 23) LAOTL = 44) HGTWWIHH = Last three I`ll think I`ll kick myself when I see the answers Thanks for your help...
e,g as follows - change one letter to make words of same or similar meaning UNKIND =( unwind ) RELAY =( relax ) RENT =(rest ) BASE =( ease ) LOAD =( loaf ) STOLE = ( -----) , MOTEL = (-----)HORSE =...
all birds with a colour in the name. 1 Oops! Ken goofed it 2 Table crisis resolved 3 Aka hedge sparrow 4 Sings a little bit of bread and no cheese 5 Finally, cut extra now when they do grow tall
33a twisted metal necklace or armband -o-c ... thought i was going to do it all by myself this week .. but cant think of this one !! Thanks in anticipation of your genius
1a In Kingston, hang about before noon on the brink of consciousness (5) LIM?? (Could it be limbo and why?) 4d ... not one keen ... (6) ?ARRO? 18d Skill in missing Latin satirist (7) ?AR?IAL (Could it...