would love some help with the last three 2d plastic bag`s too much like empty fuel cylinder (3-6) g?s?o?t?e 38d your loaf`s kneaded cooking ingredient (4-5) s???f?o?r 43a fairy runs in next to...
29d british comic of the sixties and seventies , home to wyatt twerp and l-cars (6) s?a?k? I can only find "sakaki" which doesn`t fit in with 33a which I have as "tonga"
Does anyone know how long you have to wait to receive a prize from ST crosswords? I won ST4496 (from 6 weeks ago) and still no sign of the prize.
If I had a pen I could write to them!...
10a happening to include small cash balances (3) e?e???u?
7d will give agreement time after big game (9) t???a???t
16a sounds like a man tmove in circles (4) ??d?...
Recently it has come to our attention that some members are regularly asking for spare Mail Rewards Club numbers. While the terms and conditions from the Daily Mail say that purchase is required, we also don't like to see anything go to waste. So we're asking members of The AnswerBank:
14a being exhausted and vague is overcome by superior tactics (10) o?t?e???a?
16d prisoner on cycle seen going off on hide (8) ??s?o?c?
23d be effective in controlling poise during dance(5)r?p?l...
16d One right to get involved in drunken spree? Wrong!(9) b?r????? r 23a virtually nothing stopping new ideas?no need for comment (6.4) ????g???? 25a pens said to work to a high degree (2.6) ?n?p???s...
1d good synchronised swimmer with sign of infection put on weight (7) g???p?s
9a after running claiming second-- such is the quality of the English! (9) ??g?i?i?m...
6dmongrel let in to accept piece of crust (8.5)t?c?o???p?a?e
15a holiday tha is extemely short taken by footballers (6)???s?a
16d shot adequate for approach )4.2.2) ?e?d?p?o...
9d I drive taking a bowler, say, up to see exotic dancer (4.4) ?a?a???i 14a instructions to actors etc require mountain to be put back in scenery (10)s?r?e?p??? 17a find a bar to eat food quickly and...