We think we've finished the crossword but can't parse: 12a juicy items in American tabloids circulated without any legal objections initially (5) We think the answer is tidbits. THe wordplay leaves...
Hi, we've finished puzzle (we think!) but struggling to parse the 'R' word:
Describe L
We think the answer is RELATE. Can L be elate (L-ate) i.e. like an L???...
Stuck on the last one:
7(a) calls for strong acids? (6) -h-n-s
Done the rest of this silly crossword, think it's all correct. Can't believe I just can't see this one!...
We're stuck on the last one -
con coins from us academics
This is genius, so funny rules apply! answer is a word, from which consecutive letters can be removed to leave '_O_S'...
Stuck on the very last clue (again) 17d Using only half of ingenuity, spell out routine (8) We think it's 'tiresome' which fits. Can't parse it. It does seem to have T..R..S..E in it, plus an O...
We're struggling with the final 2 clues in this month's genius. One is a straight clue, the other in undefined, but a partner in a well-known pairing (the other partner to be entered into the grid):...
Funny old puzzle, this. Got the 'theme' but still don't understand it! Stuck on the last couple: 11a American developed system of widescreen projection (8) ?o?e?a?a 20a **** uncovered scrap (6) ?a?m?n...
Guardian 26501
We think 17d is satisfy, as it's about the only word that fits, but no idea why. That makes 24a Lawson (again can't quite parse it) Help much appreciated!......
We think 17d is satisfy, as it's about the only word that fits, but no idea why. That makes 24a Lawson (again can't quite parse it)
Help much appreciated!...
Been struggling with Imogen all week! still stuck on the very last clue. 3d. Exaggerated heading off little rodent: write this up in book (8)
Help gratefully received....
Stuck on the last two: 22a Modernist poet initially with promise to back more traditional poet (6) - (5 letter word with added M) 23a Note skin's way of getting artificially tanned (8) - (7 letter...
Finished crossword at last (we think) but can someone parse 4d 'Democratic Party rejected second chances' please. We have 'Odds', which are chances, but don't quite get it.
In October's Genius, if our thoughts are correct about the 'numerical adjustment', I'm disappointed with the across entry. It seems very un-natural. Are we barking (or miaowing) up the wrong tree???
We think we've finished the Genius, and have an answer to change 11a into; but we're not totally happy with it. It doesn't seem in keeping with the rest of the crossword whh was all rather clever....