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1. noon in bold with won one over it 2. Pas+u're 3. Accident with the dot over the i in bold 4. LION LION over lion lion lion and the word bias on the right...
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Good morning everyone - a long weekend here, start of daylight saving and it's hot, windy and humid, with rain on the way ....hope this is not an indicator for the Summer ahead ...don't like the idea...
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Hi Stuck on a couple of questions on a local church quiz. Each answer includes the letters HIS or HER. Any help would be appreciated. At present (2,4,3,3,3) Surpass in evil(3-5)...
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What comes next London Leicester London Manchester Manchester ? Manchester Nottingham Sheffield Liverpool Leeds Southampton Newcastle Birmingham London...
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Rose Maybud
Good morning, everyone. The matches for this week are: Copper Plate Queen Anne Ring Roads Crop Circle and I am delighted that all matches were found, and I was able to give out points to so many...
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Good morning everyone - well it's not blowing and it's not raining and that's a bonus after the week we've had, plus there was snow (not here, but in the mid- north) so we're all a bit stunned !! Now...
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Each number represents a letter, using the clues form a 9 letter word(no letters are repeated) Gives a girls name- 94553 Gives a girls name- 681894 Gives a girls name- 5279...
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Good morning everyone - not inspiring out there today, windy and a bit sticky, it should be raining but it's not ...maybe it will arrive tonight and give the gardens etc a really good drink !! Not too...
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1. AAERSZZ Thanks for any help....
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Good morning everyone - we're 'enjoying' a very mild pleasant day here when in fact it's meant to be raining so not sure whether to enjoy or not !! BOM has promised rain today for the best part of a...
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Flower quiz I wonder if you could help please there doing my head in any help greatly appreciated 10, one buzzer is not busy (7) 14, miss bolelyn selector (7) 17, short musical assembles passport (6)...
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Good morning everyone - the sun is shining, no wind and it's just gorgeous out there plus it'll be even better tomorrow .....yippee !! Of course it won't last but I'm going to enjoy it while it does...
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Here are the links for the final week of august... OVER THUMB APPLE MORRIS...
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I am doing a quiz with no prize or finish date but one section is really puzzling me. There is a connection with the following answers any suggestions really welcome. 1.Andrew 2.Treasure Island 3.Tun...
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Good morning everyone - not so sure about the 'good' element ....we've had heavy rain, which of course we need, but not the wind which has howled thru here like a banshee and stripped all the...
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Good morning everyone - I've been out in the sunshine pulling out weeds and enjoying the warmth after a pretty wet week, and we have another ahead of us, but at least everything is getting a very good...
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Good morning everyone - not the brightest of days today, just overcast and rather cool, but at least no heavy rain and fog up in the hills - glad I'm not driving anywhere up there, it sounds scary !!...
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Stuck on 4 P in a B M, 119 L P, 80 G B (B)
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Good morning everyone - lovely mild sunny day here in South Oz, hoping to finish off my roses this afternoon, before the next bout of the wet and windy stuff turns up !! Firt batch of links look...
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My last one is 58. It's found hiding - when the willow hit especially in cricket matches. The only answer I've got left is Chalky White - I can see the white (between willow and hit) but where is the...

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