I notice there are still a few Marlboro posts dotted around the site. how about a report post button for logged in users? By ensuring that only logged in users can report a post this would stop abuse...
how about logged on users being able to nominate a ab question for most intersting question/answer of the week it could be displayed on the front page. you could have an of all time one as well.
I cant rember what the app was called but it asked you what file you wanted to monitor. Then it started the file for you and logged everything it tried to load dll's etc and gave you a report on what...
A few people have tried to post links for this service on AB. This is now being plugged on my local radio station. Anybody know any more details about how this is supposed to work. It sounds to good...
Since installing SP2 ive noticed that I can no longer access some websites - I am having problems with these ones http://www.chessmaster.com http://www.adobe.comand http://www.windowsblinds.netthey...
I saw an article somewhere on the web about mobile phones having a detrimental affect on wireless networks? Anybody have any information on this? links etc...
One of the odd facts listed on an odd facts website i saw recently said that Ninjas were trained to tell the time of day by gazing into the eyes of a cat. So hows that work then it seems improbable to...
Anybody got a list of websites for alternate web browsers? I want to give up IE and move to one that is not so vulnerable to spyware. Anyone know of any free programs that will stop spyware getting on...
My new datasafe has an odd looking key to unlock it. Instead of the normal bumps and ridges it had a flat blade with pits drilled in each side. Can anyone explain how it works?
What electronic drum kit is the best value for money? I need to buy one for a school. A midi connection is desirable and it needs to be a proper kit not one of these drum kit keyboard things. Is there...
A friends neighbour put in plans for a conservatory. My friend saw the plans at the planning department but saw no reason to object. But what is now rapidly being constructed next door is more akin to...
Anybody know how to get the Game port version of the force feedback wheel working on Windows XP Pro? Microsoft no longer support gameport devices on XP but I dont see why I should upgrade my hardware...
What questions asked on AB have provided the most interesting answers? here is one I liked http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/DisplayAnswers.go?question_id=21945&category_id=18&index=3
I want to do something like pop idol eg to vote for Phantz text phantz to 81767 I also want to do this as cheaply as possible (free would be great) How do I pick up the results can they be delivered...