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If you could go back in time ,what would you do differently?Would you change anything?Would you change the decisions you made?Please tell???
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Think how good it would be if you could become invisible whenever you wanted. What would you do and where would you go? I'd like to be in a room with our Tone and the wicked witch and see what they...
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what are the age laws for rideing a motobike?
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following a previous thread on news, i'm curious as to how many people carry an organ donor card. Is there anyone who absolutely wouldn't donate their organs after their death and if not, why not?...
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In the newspaper the other day, it was documented that a man who could not previously draw or paint, or had any artistic talent suddenly could suddenly produce amazing art, drawings and paintings...
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I know this may seem a bit strange but my seven year old can not blow his nose, he just sniffs up all the time. I have tried to instruct him, but to no avail ( the nights pass quickly in my house ha...
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Does anyone remember "HEINZ" the young blonde boy singer of the 60s whos songs included "im your little boy" and "grandmas rocking chair" ive had a look on the net but cant find anything about him all...
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In may 2005, I posted a question asking if anyone else sees things that aren't really there. My question was referring to black spidery things running along the floor or desk, but that when you look...
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how come animals live with cold blood
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I am an (i would say) an attractive woman. 44. My kids see thier dad (my ex husband) every other weekend, which leaves me here on my own. All my friends are married so dont want to go out. I spend my...
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if a persons body was filled with cold blood instead of hot blood what would happen
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....were you born on & would you say you are what the rhyme says? Here I was born on a Saturday & certainly worked hard for a living.
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I am with NTL and it costs me ?45.49 per month. (?10.50 phone & ?34.99 10MB Broadband) and I am wondering if anyone can recommend a cheaper provider. Must be ultra reliable as I run my business...
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little coojy
if you had the money would you go under the knife for what ever you wanted, i say i would but my partner says he wouldn't, is it a male/female thing?
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Wasn't really sure where to put this but I just wanted to know what peoples views were on words such as a**e and b**ch being frequently used on day time radio stations. I'm not all high and mighty...
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how many lessons on average does it take to pass your test?
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Which do you prefer and why? x (Morning everyone!!)
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what makes our souls stick 2 our bodies...after all these dirty things we do..... i hate dirts,how come my soul dosen't?
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does frequent mastrubation contribute to the loss of hair?
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is it true that mastrubation reduces chances of cancer?

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