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What was the hymn they all song at about 3.15 today? it was so lovely!
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I was outside the ground at the time leading up to the disaster and what I saw were hundreds maybe thousands of drunken Liverpool supporters hellbent on getting into the ground. I neither want to...
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what was the name of the hymn that was sung at 3.15 today? it was so lovely.
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i know this may be viewed as a stupid question, but ive only been working for 4 years and in that time ive never been off sick!...but it seems i now have a serious back problem. my question...
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i have a lump on my back that iv just discovered! it feels like a spot, but theres hardly any redness there, any ideas?
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hi can anyone shed any light here? whenever i open up a certain containing photos not all the pictures are previewd at the bottom of the screen, then when i try and double click on one to...
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What's the best place to download dvd quality movies?
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I want to download music but which is the best place...kazaa...limewire or something else??
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which are the better value music download sites
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What do u think are the most underrated films ever made, cult classics that uve seen an no one else has ever heard of them, i think enduring love with daniel craig has to be in this list, as do casino...
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i have psp movie creator but each time i try and convert a dvd it stops recording after about 10 or 12 mins!! am i doing something wrong? p.s it is registered.
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help! if im on a website and i click on a link....nothing! just a white screen!! oh the egg timer thing just goes forever too! wots happening?

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