I really don't think I deserve my girlfriend. I **** her off all the time. I can't understand why I am still with her, but I am. I have spent since easter wondering how I manage to stay with her. I...
I have a theory that American men pee sitting down. I have been to the USA several times and every WC pan which I have seen (in public toilets and in private homes) is designed in such a way that the...
As a youngster i amassed some bad debt, and as a consequence at a bad credit score. Now older and slightly wiser, i have paid all this off and sent off to equifax and found i was clear. I even got a...
The term "white trash" is used often enough, apparently the last acceptable racial slur/stereotype. What is likely to be the next group/minority/lifestyle to undergo political correcting?
Is it still possible to buy detached for ?100k anywhere in the UK? It would be for myself , not an investment. I am obviously looking on the net etc but if anyone has any ideas I would really...