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Down to the last one 9(a) "Cut down by almost plausible jungle boy" 6., ?O?G?I MOWGLI fits but dictionary says LONGYI. However definition has no clues where as MOW in Mowgli could be...
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35a italien name of city in which taming of the shrew takes place p?d?v?
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having great trouble today to get to the site has anybody else had the same problem
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does anyone know the wordfinder this week
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I was prescribed this Dec 2009, with a view (mine) to only staying on it 6 months or so. It did its job and I felt great - if not a little de-sensitised, though I didn't feel ready to come off after...
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last 3 23a mounted guide after one animal ?o?t?l??? 17d salesman in major city brought up t be a ruler ?m?e??? 24a wife made to associate with fool ?a?l?...
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2d dine out get awkwardly silent 6 4 ?o???e???n??? 18a getting off with same bird naughty monarch ??????a?k??? 10d more and more shify reclining say??c?e???n???...
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12a) Organised whole perceived as more than the sum of it's parts, as in psychology; German 'shape' (7) many thanks...
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41 across london street associated with sixties fashion 5, 4 ?I?G?R?A?
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country on eastern shore of baltic sea between estonia and lithuania e????o
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last two 14d extremely poor a?r?c???s 24a a lot (informally) s?m?t?i?g ???t?n...
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last one 16a parts of the body instrumental in the process of nictation e?e?i?s
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8d the week following pentecost sunday begins with a w
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have gone to flexicash and entered my number and it tells me there is a problem has anybody else had the same
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7.across..Mercenary victory on back road. 5 letters. anybody help please? thanks in advance....
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10a raised platform auctioned off outside eatery ???f?o?d 18a medical drama heartlessly set in another place ?t???e???r? 24a dictator to drag out battle s???i???a?...
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last few 1 d left in a lot of fertiliser ?u?c? 17d exterior account for resin ?h???a? 22a food poisoning-is it real bad ??s???i? 19d jam caught below wide rim ???g?...
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37a moutainous state of northern india witha border on tibet ?i??c?a?p????s? 34d genus of temperate and arctic evergrenn conifrs to which spruces belong ??c??...
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last few 2d sample 3 3 t?y ?u? 24a jusification r?t?o???e 19d former name of an islamic country ?e?s?a...
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4a ???????down site of a contentious 1994 hampshire road building project 16a traditional welsh folk song ?s?g?o??...

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