I didn't see the first series, but after reading how much it has been enjoyed here, I have been watching it for 45 minutes, and I have no idea what is going on....
She is on record as making this statement: "We live in a country which ordinary people are frightened to speak their minds, frightened that they might say the "wrong thing". This is a dangerous...
In my working days , when the supervisor caught you with a solitaire game on your PC screen you got a telling off. There seems to be a core of regular abers who purport to be working but spend all day...
I notice that one member of the gang is aged 20 and has been sent to a young offenders institution ..... does anyone know the age limit on a 'young offender'?
There have been lots of debates on here over the years about immigration. But when you see the behaviour of these man it is no wonder so many are against immigration. And this is just one of a large...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3426685/Nazi-daggers-SS-hats-hangman-s-noose-night-patrol-Soldiers-Odin-neo-Nazi-led-vigilantes-vowing-Europe-s-women-safe-migrant-sex-attacks.html What can be...
Frequently there are posts whinging and bleating about how posts get derailed and misinterpreted. I have little time for the personal, private expressions of emotion. Having said that they are easily...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3426266/White-Zimbabwean-farming-family-driven-land-make-way-black-British-doctor.html As suggested by one reader, the British Government should now seize the...
We have just found out that our local bank is closing in April. Where we live is pretty rural and we would have to travel someway to get to another branch of our bank. So we are thinking of internet...
When at work I just give my surname. I never prefix it with, mr,mrs,miss or ms'. Some colleagues will say Mr so and so speaking. I think it is pompous. My surname is my name and mr/mrs is just a...