I dont know if anyone can help me, but over the past few moths about a week before my periods I am getting more and more moody. I am 28years old and never had this problem before. I cant even say why...
Hi there, I have just bought a boiler which requires a 22mm inlet however, i have found out through a plummer that our pipes are only 15mm and he says we have to have all new pipes fitting costing...
In february this year our carbon monoxide alarm sounded and when we checked the vent for the boiler outside we noticed slight a slight blackening of the brickwork. we have not had hot water or heating...
My girl broke up with me coz she loved me too much and wsas afraid if she carried on she would be so hurt when we eventually broke up. I love too much please help?
Has anyone seen this film? I have heard amazing things about it, and plan on watching the dvd I've just bought tonight- I just hope it lives up to all the hype and I'm not disappointed!