What other names have/did you have on AB? Whether they got blocked or you just wanted to change? I was bluesmartiews, but i spelt it wrong lol (oops) and had it unsubscribed. And pink is way better...
What, in your opinion, makes up the English identity?, Myself, I think its a love of the country, and being patriotic, not to the extreme, but we must all have our own ideas as to what it is, could be...
Have you ever asked anyone out that you'd literally just met?? i.e. Shop assistant, in a pub, the girl that you deal with at the estate agents?? (note the last one). As much as i'd love to I'd just...
I know i'm going to sound really stupid now but oh well :P I'm writing an essay on how an actor playing a part in Macbeth should present their character, but (and here comes the dumb bit - drumroll...
has anyone got stereo-typical views of people from other countries? Like some people think the english wear posh clothes and carry around umbrellas and bowler hats etc. (i'm english btw)
thanks to everyone that gave me advice in preparation for my iceskating today! glad to say there were no blisters, just very sore feet and alot of limping lol :D
poor bertie is feeling miserable and her hubby doesnt understand what revenge tactics do you know that might put a smile on her face, nothing too bad because she cant run at the moment!
Whats the quickest way of getting rid of a shiner, I'm on holidays next week, knocked the f... out of some french ****** who got smart, but let me guard down last minute shouldn't be fighting in first...
hi. Everytime i go iceskating i get blisters, which is a shame because i really love ice skating. I've got really wierd, sensitive feet, and last time i went i got a blister on each foot literally the...