It goes. you used to no but now youve forgotten a subamarine got stuck to the bottom these are the days so wake up cos this is the time and you no im right?
anyone seen the new karcher t racers I use one at work at mcdonalds its a round circular connection for karchers that hovers along the floor and cleans the block paving 5 times faster that the...
Need help this lady who lives on my street as a friend who has got all the dean martin songs but wants to know dose he sing that song on the argos ads and if so were can I get that song for him?
Who is the annuncer on channel dave I have heard him on the radio advertising for wicks diy superstore saying wicks just the job. and he advertises some itv trailers. I no he has a deep voice. Is it...
I no on bbc i player after seven days the programs are taken of. but my question is is there anywere else on the internet were I can see any episodes of homes under the hammer? if you can help thanks?