17a American fuel distributed to our advantage (6) ?s???l 14d ransack Winchester for instance (5) r???e 21d you wrongly included even parts of Italian pavement (6) o???a? 25d new branch starts here,...
1D Uncouth peasant - R???i?
9A Captain's beginning to skin fish - ??????r
16D Downs conversely form part of this ground - ?p????
23A Lorry driver - ????e?...
Hello is anybody else having problems posting or is it me and my computer? Quite often over the last couple of days when I posted an answer I've got a message saying it's time out and Firefox could...
Last Five in This Local Quiz 17- a circle made up of ADINFINITUM 37- DOC MARTENS with the C A T in bold black 39- AQUARIUM in a cloud with 4 like bubbles coming away at 45 degrees near the A. 40-...
What do we all think about this scheme which should improve numbers of organs available for transplants ?...
13dIcon worked here at National Theatre? That's illogical.10L.-n-o-----t 25a,7-3.tiny home PCcrashed-smoke comes out of it!-h-m---p-t 28a7L.lift team that's been cut,recruiting a team leader,e---a-e...
My 17 year old son has been throwing up for two and a half weeks. I took him to the doctor, who has given him buscopan and told him to keep a food diary for 3/4 weeks. Then go back to see him with...
I'm a guy. Is it ok to wear these running tights for running (when the weather is cold)? My gf like it, but i dont no... what do you think? 1. pic - in cold weather:...
My stepson has just graduated from Uni with a first honours degree in sport psychology and a week later has been offered a position in his local gym as a personal trainer. He must however go through a...
You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a 'drop off', (The ground is 18-20 inches below the level you are traveling on), and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at...