I started a new job 8 weeks ago. I work in the NHS as a medi' sec and changed jobs as I had a house move. Therefore still a medi' sec' but at a different hospital and different Dept. I HATE this job....
Answers are all food or drink
34) Leg extensions in place! (7)
44) Sad song about inefficient locking system ! (8,5)
48) Good coffee at dance?(2,6,5)
Thanks for any help...
Our local Wetherspoons is doing a four course Christmas Day lunch for £24.99. My husband thinks it's a good idea to go there 'to save me the stress of cooking for six people.' Actually, there's...
Well, I'm on all of the major free dating websites and think I've about had my full of them. People are rarely serious and I guess that may be because it's free. I also find that perhaps the girls are...
My sister has been with her boyfriend for 2 years, they apparentley are in love, shes 29 and he's 36 I get on with him like a house on fire, its like having a brother, a long story short my sister...
For about 2 years me and my ex have been in contact, I contacted him and he kept it going. Over the past few months he's confessed that he wants me back and that he's in love with me and wants only me...
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Last wendesday I woke up to a letter hand posted off my boss saying they had to dismiss me as I had to many days off after my grandad passed away , I was due to be paid on Friday but I wasn't so I...
My bf and I have been together 4 years. I am 37 and he is 30. I have a son from a previous marriage. Well I would like another baby but my bf is set against it and said he can't see himself wanting...
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Hi, Dr found what she described as a smooth lump deep in my breast but on the side near my armpit. I have been experiencing an ache and some pain in the area for a while, and its sometimes...