I knew it was a mistake ... stopping at The Scottish Restaurant. I had a Big Mac. On the box, it says ... "What Makes Your Big Mac So Unique?" "So" unique ??? Are there degrees of...
The question reads as follows: No 44s rivals' afters (6,6,7). The answer to question 44 is liver which is arrived by detaching the "water" part of Liverpool. All of which leads me to deduce...
3 Down, One artist embracing another,both turning up at the back, (8) ???R???D 6 Down, I am in actress's sleevless robe, (6) ?H?M?R 17 Down, Defeated maiden maybe-a maiden sitting in church,(8)...
The site where my son saw the donkey for sale is called preloved.co.uk. When he first fired up his laptop & said "I've got to show you something mother" - I thought "Eeuuww, no -...
looks like another so so day weather wise down here - how is everyone this morning? We had an absolutely brilliant day at the horse show yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed it, met up with lots and lots of...
2ac Language which is so convoluted or Jargonistic as to be incomprehensible. (12) ac. 8ac aFilmy membrane sometimes Covering a newborn`s head at birth.(4) 9ac Playwright Joe -----,, best know for...
> A mate of mine recently admitted to being addicted to brake fluid. > When I quizzed him on it he reckoned he could stop any time..... > > I had a mate who was suicidal. He was really...
There have been numerous occasions when I look at the clock and it says 9:11, more than any other time. Obviously I know the significance of this as a date, and there is a possibility that...
7a) Stop running booth (5) ???a? 12a) Sporting traveller and pupil staying to follow fish (12) ???T?b?a???r 1d) On the run possibly showing skin-great (9) ???e???n? 4d) Idyllic opera goes wrong...