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The ad says it takes 95% of Britain's blackcurrants to make Ribena. Do they really mean this? Or do they just mean that Ribena is 95% blackcurrant juice and 5% other stuff?
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22a - Pick up table to shift (5) A - T - R Would also welcome explanation for 9a [ Long-distance runner has collapsed with this assortment in the lungs (7) ] for which I have SHANNON, being a long...
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2d Nobbled, taking up shell (5) D - P - D, so presumably DOPED or DUPED, but I can't see the cryptic part. Can someone?
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2 down - Modern girl carries daughter with gentleness (6) Answer MILDLY implies Modern girl is MILLY but I thought she was MILLIE.  What do others think?
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Whistle should be carried by doctor for example (5) B _ O _ N I've eventually managed to convince myself of an answer and an explanation, but I'd be interested to know if everyone else reached...

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