When sending messages in answer bank I have had problems sending text without a load of gibberish going along with it.The ed and and a couple of other kind people said i had loaded "hotbar" and to get...
26a. small South African mammal also called meerkat. 8 letters 3d. mound of snow heaped up by the wind. 5 letters 6d. square cake of rich chewy chocolate usually containing nuts. 7 letters
I drive a reliant robin but notice that when cornering hard it tends to tip a little, and my coffee, on the dashboard, slides all over the place. Is there a website for customizing robins? I was gonna...
Can you help? Had a yen for (7) S???r?d Observed (7) ????t?d Cause annoyance (3,8,4) G?t ?o?e???? ?o?t Malayan Skirts (7) ??r???s Direction-indicators (9) ????p???s Thanks...
Before the week-end and a new influx of x'words can I have some help to sort the following posers.Possibly got something wrong(5a hawkmoth) so stuck and fed up of it now.Thanks to all and have...
Which 4 of the following 6 stations are included on a monopoly board? Euston, Kings Cross, St, Pancras, Fenchurch, Marylebome, Leicester Square. Does anyone have a monopoly board to check...
6 across - German term for a violent seizure of political power 6 letters P_T_C_ 25 across - Horse with a brown or black coat spleckled with white 4 letters R_ _ N 23 down - Foot-lever...
My lovely car was first registered on 01/09/01 and I bought it in April of last year.I was most upset to find severe bubbling on one of the wings and went back to the Dixon/Renault garage that I...
Is anyone else finding that the letters aren't making sense or is it just me? duh! I've got all the letters but seem to have 2 for letter 2 and 2 for 4, and none for 5. Maybe its too late for me.