Absolutley hopeless with this one. Any help would be much appreciated. 1 down Fowl, one with male in cage (6) P-a-e- 8 down Score -1 getting broekn hearted (see above) (8) ----t-e- 15 down Underam...
I Used to drink Vodka {Might still do} But have discovered its other great assets! Great for cleaning etc, put some in a trigger spray and will get rid of the caulking around showers ,dabbed on cotton...
All answers types of animals. One left - have answer but like confirmation please. And it sounded like Ringo claiming to be one of these while on their Magical Mystery Tour. No number of letters...
Can anyone assist please with this - answer ios related to farming- Jerseys are famous (8) Also related to sports and games - An oriental unknown follows a drink (number in answer not known) Many...
Why do cats go mad for this stuff ? My male cat goes absolutely rampant if I sprinkle this on the carpet, I think it makes him feel a bit randy ! ! He foams at the mouth and allsorts ! Its fun to see...
I need to remove cats which sit under a tree in my garden and frighten the birds. What can I put out that will make it sick and hopefully persuade the owners not to let them out?
evening folk's stuck on last few, all help is appreciated thanks. 5a. small in size. S?????? 19a. possessed. ????? 20a. electrically charged atom. I?? 33a. hopelessly bad. ??????L 44a. passage from a...
I dreamt that I bought a plain white wedding dress, that was nicely fitted round the chest and waist, then bought; small, silk, delicate, pretty flowers (such as lillies) that were pale shades of pink...
Ed could nominate a day in the year when this could take effect then it would give us time to have our sick-buckets handy..lol not sure everyone could manage this menial little task tho' ha-ha : ;0)...
5d Resign - favourite's on the up, supported by a team (4,5)
14a with one end pointed and the other blunt and neat? (9)
10a cockney intellectual mentioned facial hair (7)...
http://www.scarboroug...tage.org.uk/index.php I have just been reading Barmaids thread on old photos and thought you might be interested in the photos i have put on the above site.When you get into...
Hi one of my friends needs the answer to this question All these words link with another bar one - Bride, Cabinet, Corps, Cries, Criminal, Footing, Machine, Museum, Office, Paint Can any of you help...