5a Eilat's depiction of tragic kibbutz is in Jewish, am I right? (6) ?H???R 7d French herald gets pleasure following horse (8) ??U?T?O? 26a Author of Canterbury Rhymes recalls Chaucerian estate...
6d Letters to keep burning? I'm obliged to return copy (9) ????)???T photostat??
7d One not believing that diamonds have dropped down from fence? (7) ????E??...
I think I have the right answers but can't see some of the wordplay: 3d Deceive with lie, but not in meeting (10) C?N?E?T?O? convention 4d Prominent at last in rising become emperor (5) T?T?S titus...
Some clues are themed without a defn 27a Make serious film,yes? No, funny (9) ??L???I?Y 30a A feature of woodland, meadow and narrow borders of spinneys (9) ????I???S possibly ending in SS - borders...
Got the theme, grid almost full, stuck on 3 clues if anyone can help please: 14a One in present missing old player (5) ?IF?R lifer?? 15a Camp not completely free from league (5) PA?TY 40a Round earl...
25a Leader of house leaves crumpled sheaf, special old measure to adopt in Congress ?A?E / ?E? must be SAFE SEX from the word play, but where does Congress come into it?
10d Indian settlement British dismantle, insolvent (9) ????O???? 15d Posset drunk, lord bedded - we'll finish off works (9) ???T????S 11a Driver best give a wide berth, for whom it's a game injecting...
1d One drawing on film without restriction on series (4) ?S??
18d Initially going in, son's seen Raging Bull (8) ????E???
13d Listen in to TV show one records (5) T????...
25a Starts to hoover under machines, part of kitchen routine (7) H???R?E 22a Stages that go with 11 called out (4) ?E?S answer for 11a is YEAS 21d Rive before time in early jet(5) C???T rive - a...
1d Light character for Henry James (9) C???S???A
22a Suitable occasions for amusemnet, pace Renault (8) F?????L?
21d Arrogant weaver from a people round Honduras (7) ??A??E...
Across clues have a misprint in the defn Down clues must have a single letter removed before solving There may be some empty cells in the grid 37a Church, quiet backing onto a river with many ports...