26a Spies infiltrating very liberal party (6) S?A?A?
27a Forbidding alcohol around US university (6) ?M?T?Y (mit possibly for the uni bit?)
one of the answers is a Russian christian name...
22a Marlowe's heart's jittery because of introduction to girl - Linda's her name (6) L?R??G
looks like an anagram of arlow + g but not getting anywhere .......
clues are in alphabetical order... number of letters not known but between 4 and 7 (some clues are wordplay only) 4. Mark runs starts a/b/c/d/e 7. Record sailors kidnapping English judge starts...
24a This is missing in essence, also towards bottom of chart (9) SO??H?AN? 21a Paint that's blue or green - or black introducing formality (4) ??CE 21d Strong wind , a biggy in storm striking...
Answers have to be entered with letters omitted so no crossers ..sorry 1a Prosecution's responsibility involves a sound short probing (12,2 words) 5d Worm that's climbing inside weed (6) 2nd letter...
8dn Beetle, dog, cat, budgie and pig manure cleaner (6,7) 24 ac Work of Maupassant, perhaps in schoolboy attire, blue (5,5) enjoying this in a dogged kind of way but stuck here. Thanks in advance,...
12a A stooge and a runner for one in a poetic kind of discussion (8) ??O?B?A? 14a A 16th century poem about a lady upset over a lute (1,4,4) A / ?R?E / ???E 25a Author of a book of spells, old lady...
34a weird set of images apt with a ngaio marsh novel? 14? 42d month before girls producing short stories 8 37d one rural noble managed without my backing 10
26d Fried dough hard to settle — thrown up (5) K????
43a Governor’s office for instance fitted with bunker (7) ??T?A??
Help please with the unclued 2d....my crossers aren't helping so far...
some answers are missing a letter in the wordplay... 11d "Side-splitting" gag no good at all for deity (3) L?R LAR ? 39d Note: the highest Ice Queen ... the answer is ELSA but again i can't see the...
I'm now down to four clues left, assuming I ignore the numerous ones that refer to compilers who I don't believe ever existed... so I would really appreciate help on: 5A Signicant other starting out...