can anyone help identify the surnames of these athletes a-a-s (5) c-a-t-n (7) it would help if christian names could be provided for verification it is also possible that there could be more than one...
rt 50 23a putting valve on plant is nonsense 9 4d after changing trousers pope looks absurd 12 17d slight injury is no handicap 7 rt 51 7a rocks taken from side always just right 5 10a lost friend...
8a - inactive PM in Sun, eg, has happy ending (9) - *e*e*****. is it 'celebrate' and if so, why? 9d - may turn in, got there before lost desert animal (8,5) - is it 'bactrian camel' and if so, again I...
6D) The first Sunday in Lent (12) _ U _ D _ A _ E _ I _ A 40D) Old testament priest of the 5th Century BC (4) E _ R _ I would be very grateful for any help at all, thank you.
Hi Sorry me again. Post goes in 2 hours time and I need it find the answer to these last few. All the answers are a different way of putting the question eg. Furious Bovine.....Raging Bull. All my...
So there's a simple trick called "Black Magic" performed by two people. The one person leaves the room, while the audience chooses a random object and tells the second person. When the first person...
Wednesday evening had to go out, set video to record - failed - whilst out my daughter asked me to record, another friends itv failed in thunderstorm so between us we haven't had much success Does...
tv presenter going on a bender?3/6 ?R?/??L?E?ira? diamond cross to add 5 ?N?E?annex?but where does diamond fit? 50 points ?tosh 4?U?L bull?but where do points fit? tv presenter given said plant...
1. I L T W R in I S 2. F in T W 3. A T in S S 4. S N in T W S 6. A G W 7. in A B T 8. to L T R-T G 10. C the E 11. the C B 12. F the G-R 13. B up T W T 14. S A the R O 15. T S O the E 16. A C V 17. to...
12a. altered knot of a tie to distinguish.-------n-i-t-. 1d. paint item badly when being hasty.-m-a-----. 2d. fuel smell retuns to soldddier. -a-a---- 19a.spare man injuuured hard cheese. -a---s-n.
Page 8. 4x4 grid with the word BLOT reading across the top row and down the first column. Remaining letters EEILLLOOP to be placed into the grid to make three more words reading across and down....