I have one clue left-no 80)She could avoid the king in the wood, but no answers left to fit to it. If anyone can give me the answer to this clue please, then I can go back through the answers and... ...
9)Nearly half capital 12)Lower edge of as above but quietly 23)A daft scam No number of letters given, and answers are as near as possible to how they sound.
64)Found in the middle of which something may grow 72)A starting or end point 80)Slang term for a Quack doctor 83)Forcible or impressible expression or speech no number of letters given for clues
32)Someone in the know loses "in" heading 45)Elongated round follows 12 precedes 20 youth no no. of letters given. answers are as near as possible to their sound.
52)Bribe so nothing will stick (6) 54)Despairingly, twisted ed voted for song(10,7) 59)Kop song synonym -not just me moving in sync (2,2,8) 56)Sung after a trip to the beach?(5)