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Yorkshire Air Ambulance ( (Liquid Air Ambulance ) Closes 5/9/ 24.

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galasalmon | 15:42 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Help please .

3/ Fake uncomfortable  sensation 

7/ Skin overgrowrh vocal hesitation 

8/ Leads guidelines inside notes 

15/ Begins one very real input load .

Thank you .



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8 Gin (first/lead letters)

15 Bovril - again first letters

3 Champagne - sham pain

7 wart er = water


Please could you help with a q28            IInsect be without trending now.     I was too late to answer your question but those are the answers I have.  Thankyou,

Question Author

Thanks, Sorry Harrowden I don't have a lot of them . Hopefully it will come up soon. 

28.  ant iquary ?

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Yorkshire Air Ambulance ( (Liquid Air Ambulance ) Closes 5/9/ 24.

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