Can anyone help with my last 3 please: 1a: student at sheffield perhaps, revolutionary child of noble race (6,8) I have L?N?O?M?S?T?O?. Could it be LONDON something? 13a: tree's two ways to shorten...
Can anyone fathom out 24A Popular not wanting to go to sleep (3,3) Reckon it must be nod off, but can't see what popular has to do with it - or am I losing the plot??!
a farmer has 1000m of fencing. what shape that he could make would give him the biggest area ? I know the answer is a circle but what can i use as an Nth term at the end to conclude. if you know what...
<DIV>Last one please: 13a, surveying instrument that combines a clinometer and a spirit level which is used to measure angles of inclunation (5,5). I have the following: A_N_Y_E_E_. I guess the...
<DIV>Is anyone doing today's Independent Weekend Crossword 569 "Taking Sides by Nitsy" on page 69 of the magazine? I thought I try it as I haven't attempted one of those before, but the grid...
<DIV>Any help with my last one, 6d, please? <DIV> <DIV>Discouraged? Shed/Gordius cooked fish. (4) <DIV> <DIV>I have ?A?E and it looks like it could be DACE or HAKE but I...