For instructions see my previous post Last one now if anyone can help please: 27a Provided metal shackles Its partner in the grid is ??U? possible 1st letter may be D although I'm not certain of where...
The clue may lead to a "partner" in a well-known pairing and lack further defn. 23a French writer got surprisingly randy at the start of Candide (no of letters not known) The grid entry to partner...
I have a full grid but not sure how these clues "work" There is an extra letter in the wordplay in each clue 17a Jerk contracted back muscles for striking effects - ans is ECLATS 26a Display about...
9d We'll never darken your doorstep, honets, dresses in a suit! (12) ?E??T?????E?
35a Porky created by young, taking in jaunty drunken sot (10) ?????ST???...
16d Labour has to be endured during this palsy welcoming of right plonker (9) M???R?I??
25d Deal with McCarthy's initial witchhunt situation (5) ??L??...
22a Brings out the muscles and quizzes press (5,4) ??M?S / ?R?? 20d As Cameron's PM role will turn out to be after tax invoved in more dithering? (3-4) ??? - T?R? 22d Bribe taken up: milliband was...
14a A device that could shock soldier?Absolutely (6, two words) A?HEL? (not certain of the "E")
10d Gosh, the woman's cunning! (6) ?H?AR? (not certain of the H)...
10a Xerxes possibly Hausa , not quite sure in the end (9) A???U????
22a Seventh forename featured by hawthorne (8) ??????U?
16d He felt he could speak English as well as Percy (9) G?E?D???R...
12a Buried in a book with candle handle, study flying (11) A?S?????N?? 8d Young one's kept in pocket with resentment about honour (9) E???????? 26d Among other males, these South African ones would...
Last few queries please: 19a Reside at hotel till old (6) I have ?NHERT, but fear I may have gone wrong somewhere?? 22d Nurses can be found here before a meal - date is off the record (6) AP??R?...
1a Old star is the last of three in unpredictable court (9) ???A??E?? 31a Service provider's absolute pain (no pun) (6) ??E??Y 23d American transfixed by sidekick's temper (5) A?LA? allay?? Cheers for...