After a recent long haul flight, fully charged phone, 2 cameras and 2 ipods were nearly flat on arrival having had little/no use. The same happened after the flight home. Is this is a reality or is it...
I was thrilled to be given this but stunned to find it appears only one person can play at any one time ie you can't save a game and someone else start theirs. It also seems that if someone wants to...
Can anyone help me find some Xmas decs that I've now seen in 2 places this year. It's 3 boxes in 3 sizes, the largest about a foot cubed. They look like 3 presents wrapped in red glitter paper with...
A colleague is taking the pm off to watch her young grandson in his school nativity play. They've been told no filming and no photos (only those taken by the school can be bought). Is this now the...
Please help, someone has asked for an album from amazon that is only available as an MP3 download, how exactly can I buy that as a gift, how does it get to the recipient?
After a stubborn cold that wouldn't shift I decided to try taking Vitamin C tablets (1000mg a day) as I'm not good at eating friut and veg. Been taking for about a month now and I keep getting the odd...
OK accepting I hate cooking and only do the roast can you tell me please - checking online for roasting time for beef I see Jamie Oliver's recipe said to rest the meat for an hour before serving (lots...
I've had a roll of film for about 4 or 5 years in a drawer, finally remembered to take it to Boots today and my branch no longer does roll film. Any other suggestions please on how to get it...
Ed any chance you'd block the flashing 'you could win an ipod' ad, top centre banner on page. I always thought they were spam/pop-ups anyway, it's very irritating and not of the usual standard of AB...
Ed any chance you'd block the flashing 'you could win an ipod' ad, top centre banner on page. I always thought they were spam/pop-ups anyway, it's very irritating and not of the usual standard of AB...
Can anyone help me, in simple terms, to restore my settings on tabs for Chrome? This is what I had and want back - a new tab would have six of my favourite sites displayed in boxes across the screen,...
Can anyone explain the protocol that has Blair, Brown and Major laying wreaths straight after Queen and party leaders etc at the Cenotaph this morning. Is it last 3 PMs, last 3 living or what? Firstly I cannot imagine the pain this young mother is going through so not the time to make judgemental...
This morning I have picked a colander piled high with grapes from the garden, my vine has truly excelled itself this year. BUT they are small sweet black ones and no-one will eat them apart from me as...