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anyone pleasse help, i was playing cod 4 today and got in a temper. i through my controller at my laptop and the screen went wierd. it hasnet made a crack i dont think but the screen goes all...
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i went on a 4 mile walk in beautiful countryside, worked up an appetite then sat in the local park with a picnic reading magazines and catching some rays. then came home, cooked a thai prawny cous...
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ive had toothache for about 3 weeks now in one of my lower teeth, the last one you see when i smile that is then next to a gap further back. ive just started going to a new nhs dentist who im not keen...
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i will go to drs, but given my anxiety disorder, it would save a couple of sleepless nights if anyone can help. I've just found a hard painless lump, about as big as alarge pea. It's on the back of my...
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What did we have above our names before the jellymen? You know, before AB was updated.
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Now will some kind person tell me how I put an avatar on ?
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afternoon all, what a glorious day, cast your mind back alllll those years ago to your first days at school.. were they nice memories for you? i have a few nice memories ..... i remember the messy...
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How do you make these numbers using four fours - BODMAS? How do I make these numbers using four fours? 20 through to 100 As in, (4+4)/(4+4=1 or (4/4)+(4/4)=2 Four 4's in that respect =]...
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Last one but cannot solve this. Have ?A?S?A/ Will be most grateful for any help and many thanks in anticipation....
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Evening all... Have I changed from a giraffe?
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Ok. Deep breath. Inhales deeply... What are you having for dinner, drinking, wearing, reading, listening to, doing tonight? Think I covered it all^^^...
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Im not having much luck at all in the dating game presently. All I do is meet weird guys! Why do strange guys insist of sending me naked photos of themselves ? I dont get it, why send offensive photos...
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My hubby can't get an appt at the podiatrist till mid-May and his toenails really do need cutting now. I've got some of those super dooper nail clippers but with a bit of arthritis in me fingers I...
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i need someone's help! My 16 year old has come home from school and there's been a guy in from the Army, who's proper turned his head!! Despite never mentioning a career in the forces, he now says he...
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What do younger men see in older women........ and vice versa?
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Sorry if this has been answered already, too much to read through but here goes - registering on gravatar I can't use prudie as my username because it's taken. If I pick something else will I still...
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When you're on the phone to the bank, paying a bill, sorting out a road ticket, talking to the council, changing your internet/phone provider etc... Are you the dominant one, do you make sure you're...
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1..... prime minister 2...member of the royal family past or present 3.....which famous person do you most look like 4..... fav piece of fruit thing you would like to do before you die...

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