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I have been nosing on there now! Can someone tell me, what the hell is a 'Red friend key ring'? itemZ170225176187QQihZ007QQcategoryZ88433QQssP...
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On an earlier thread someone mentioned "a man who loved his car". I didn't watch it so could someone please enlighten me. Or will I regret asking this question once I get the answer?!!
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For those that know I am trying to diet my way into my bikini for holiday, I have lost 4 lb this week! Sorry not thrilling news I know, but I am chuffed! daffi x
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I am a coward and I never do. However bad it is, I say "It's fine thanks". Anyone else a big chicken like me?
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Once, twice, and the third maybe fourth ring I usually pick. At which ring do you pick up the phone?
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but when you turn up, bottle of wine in hand....the company are all naked! What do you do?
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I know this is for Sports, but quite frankly I don't like the sports bit. Is the 200m Sprint one straight of the race-track and one bend?? Can anybody clear this up for me please?
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I have a huuuge packet here and am starting to feel a bit sick, anyone want to help me eat them ?? xxxxxxxxxx
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Each year I promise myself I'm not going to do it, but curiosity gets the better of me and I get pulleed in, hooked, addicted to 'Big Brother' A pox on you channel 4!!!
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And heavy flooding. I feel really sorry for those affected by the floods! Is it raining heavy where you are?? It was raining heavy this morning and seems to have dried up. Here we are in June and not...
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Anyone want anything?
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Is there anything you've ever had to give up because you had to but not because you wanted to?
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....a couple of days off work. What shall I do? I've already decided I'm going to Leics to see Jules's builders but I need something else to do that doesn't involve FOOD!
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As some of you may have seen from my thread lower down on feeding, guidelines for do's and dont's are always changing where babies are concerned. Today Ive come across another that I thought would be...
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my period is 2days late, my breasts r sore i feel sick but havent bin sick and i just cant stop eating one minute i want something sweet the next something savory i havent stopped eating all day 2day...
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The past few days my 7week old has not stopped eating and I am worried I am overfeeding her, is that even possible? When she doesn't want to eat she refuses. In the past 24hrs for example she had a...
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when you first stepped out your front door today ( if you went out! ).......were you still in jammies-or whatever......or properly dressed??
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7 years ago when I had my first daughter, it was perfectly fine for you to make up feeds in advance and store them in the fridge til needed so long as they were used within 24 hours. As I have never...
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Does anyone know if hot bath, sex, curries actually has benefits on getting labor to start!! and does any one know if rasberry leaf tea helps either...!!! Im only 38 weeks, but getting inpatient...

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