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Well, I've spent my first night in my new flat (renting, I'm only poor) and I have to say I'm loving it! It's soooo warm! There is hot water on tap, and I just had the greatest shower ever! :O) My old...
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I hate the sound of sirens it always makes me think someone is going through something horrible. I love the sound of a baby laughing.
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why dont we all make our fellow ABers aware when our birthdays arrive, as Brian as done. we would probably get more response on here than at home ? ps mine is the 22 of May
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Im vair bored. Lets make up a story. I'll start: Once upon a time.........
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Hi everyone, I have been breast and formula feeding my little one for over 2weeks now and although she is brilliant at latching on and taking from a bottle, I am having problems with my breast pump! I...
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Would anyone like one? I was going to crack open the fondue, so I can use some of Percy, my chocolate easter bunny, but it would be a little cramped and messy right now! Pink or white? :) x
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brian j john
it,s my birthday today , i'm 57 does anybody else share the same day
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*Warning - major rant alet!* Last Thursday, walking my 7 yr old home from school, we waited to cross the road. A car came dithering along and started left into another road. Nothing else was coming so...
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Wakey wakey , who's up , where's all the early risers this morning? Hope everyone has a good day today xxxxxxx
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Hi girls. I'm 20 weeks pregnant and I have a stomach ache. It's like a belly ache you would get as a child i.e. not period type cramps and not sharp pains which I occasionally get when I get up too...
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Pinch, punch, first of the month, no returns white rabbits! xxxxxxxxxx
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My wife is on her way to pick my son up from nursery with suspected chicken pox - nice of them to tell us they'd had a recent outbreak - he's only 8 months old. Anyone elses child had them that young,...
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WARNING! Might put you off your brekki! With my last pregnancy I didn't have much of a show as I was induced in hosp, but I'm 37 weeks this week and was walking (waddling) around the house and felt...
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Ive recently been appointed with a new job description, dont really have to do much other than keep the rest of the staff in cups of tea and coffee, but its unpaid. I didnt know it was going to be...
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hi all, my injection is due today and we have decided not to have it and to start trying for a baby. any one got any tips or advice when trying for a baby. i already have 2 boys but the others just...
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For me it's when I hear the radio playing Don Henley's "Boys of Summer" which is being played on Radio2 as we speak!!! Summers coming How do you know it's on it's way?
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Are you a bum? Are you claiming benefits? Are you at work? What is your job? Are you being lazy? Have you got a life? WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?
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my friend is having a baby in less than 3 weeks. AAAH! lol she doesn't know what the sex is. shes hoping for a girl and she has some girl names picked out... but no boy names! she wants something...
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I bought '15 years of Cream' yesterday, you need to get on it dafs! Every clubbing tune from our era mixed on there ITS ACE.
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How are we all on this wet and windy day?? Well , it is here in London!!

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