So Pleased went out 2nite expecting a barrage of the blighters but nothing really except a couple going off some distance away, its the 31st 2morro whats the chances of a onslaught??
Just got my hair done, did the t zone with foils, popped some toner on it, washed it then dried it,snipped it, then tonged it, hey ho ?62 plus tip total ?64 and they say theres a credit crunch!!!
Tonight simon astell was so cool with the plonker singer from glasvegas, trying to be cool with his shades and getting agitated by simon, why go on you must realise what simon is like,??
My mum is nearly eighty and quite old fashioned,today the chappie came to sort out her sky box, also she had a new telly to get set up, the guy was really helpful and said that he would do that for...
Bought a pineapple from tesco it was in the reduced section think it was 48p a bargain, chopped it up this morning, it was really tasteless,when you buy there really expensive ready eat fruit, its...
Dont know whats happening but with Halloween nearly here, their are mums buying costumes cakes novelties masks etc,doesnt anyone do anything without having to pay for it, its the same with birthdays...
Pink is coming to liverpool in april 2009, my niece loves her but she will be 10 when the concert is on, i know that pink can be a bit risque is there a age limit, and anyone any idea of the cost of a...
I was travelling down to liverpool last week and had three changes,the longest train journey was on a virgin train, we were packed in like sardines, i was lucky to get a seat, but there was loads...
I was given a bottle of eden perfume as a gift. i have only used it a couple of times, and now it wont spray, i am really annoyed, wouldnt bother if it was a cheapo one, any suggestions on how i can...
I really enjoyed michael palin in around the world in eighty days, now there is a follow up series to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the original programme, cant wait till it is shown on telly...
Well its now the 29th and i havent heard a firework go off,this must be a record, i am going out later so i am hoping there isnt going to be any going off i can only hope!!!!
Went to buy a poppy today from my local newsagents, didnt get a pin with it, the assistant said it was because chidren might buy these what???and prick themselves for gods sake get a grip!!!!!
My niece is 9 nearly 10, and has always been a buggar to get up for school, it doesnt matter what time she goes to bed,, my sister likes her to be in bed by 9 through the week, she can be a bit...
Be honest did you really want a son or a daughter, and before the men start they determine the sex, not us women who get put down because they havent produced a son etc etc!!!