I have a neighbour whos has a little lad that is so chatty and funny and cheeky sometimes,but cant help having a soft spot for him,well he always gets collected from primary school by his great...
Went to the library and took out one of gordons ramsey books,and in is intro he said that he gives his children pocket money accordin to there age so his eldest is 9 she gets ?9 next one ?8 and the...
My mate is getting fed up receiving mail for a previous tenant, its obvious that these are debt mail,she usually puts them in the bin,can she write on the back of the letters saying not known at this...
Are they any good does your cat enjoy them,my cat is really fussy,sick of buying her different biscuits and tinned food for her to turn her nose up at!!!
Well the poor girl has only got weeks left to live,when i think about her life up to now what can i say,do you think they will make a film or a tv adaptation of her life!!!
Listening to radio,scientists reckon that the gas hydrogen sulphate omits makes men stand to attention,how romantic it would be in the boudoir with the smell of rotten eggs permeating the air!!!
I still use imperial measurement, cant be done with the metric system ,hate it when you go into shops and you will ask for something and they say what size and i say its so many feet and inches,and...
Anyone else watch this last night on bbc 2,really enjoyed it off to order my dried hops and lavender,and he is gorgeous lovely teeth added bonus lol!!!
The film young victoria has just been released, why oh why do they make her so stunning, in reality she wasnt a looker!, i am talking about queen victoria here, not mrs beckham!!!