has anyone tried bio oil and does it actually do what the advert says, ive got stretchmarks that i want to disguise and have thought of trying this but at ?10 a bottle im wondering if it really does...
its my birthday soon and ive been asked what i would like. I cant think of anything i would like or need right now aprt from some driving lessons. What would YOU want for your birthday?
How would YOU cope with having to deliver a death message to the next-of-kin of someone who'd just been murdered, for example, the two young soldiers in Northern Ireland at the weekend?
I'm an eighteen year old (well nineteen in a few weeks) and i've recently recieved my new blood donors card for having donated 5 times. I've now set myself the target of getting the top card possible....
Love cheese cooked but not raw,soft cream cheese and smoked cheese is ok but the bad boys i cant tolerate, like cheddar and cheshire cheese, but guess what making a toastie and there was a spare...
Watching her interview with piers morgan, interesting until she mentioned her daliance with gareth gates and mentioned that it only lasted seconds i assume sexually, i found that out of order,as i...