England is considering free prescriptions. We already have them in Wales. I think it is a mixed blessing. For those who are ill they are great, but you will get scroungers (rich and poor) who will...
When you buy a bag of spuds to find nearly all are rotten or blemished, especially near dinner time,the odd one i dont have a hassle with, but when its nearly all of the bag arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!
Hi Just thought I'd let everyone out there know about a brilliant facial spa which I bought recently. It irons your wrinkles - honestly! It resurfaces the skin, deep cleanses and "lifts" the face - no...
I am just coming to the end of reading this book and the tears poured last night as it brought back memories of my boxer who was put to sleep last year. I didn't realise a film was being released when...
Did anyone watch the Orangutan Diaries last night? I don't usually cope very well with nature programmes as hate to see animals suffer and /or die. So i was unsure whether to watch this or not - talk...