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who is the singer on the new persil ad
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Is getting more stupid everytime its on! I've missed lots of episodes as I didnt like the storyline with Debbie Dingle but now i think the storyline with Laurel is even worse and also the drugs/vet...
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I'm not a big meat eater but I do love my veg. One slice of meat is enough for me. I like most meat bit cannot eat chicken if it has gravy on it. When we have chicken I always have it on a separate...
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The woman in the checkout in front of me had a trolley full of shopping. She appeared to be bulk buying. !0 of this 10 of that etc. The lad on the till said to here "Do you run a cafe". Her reply...
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stuck on two questions 2 d shock outrage 10 13 d jointly 10...
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The question was :- Douglas Bader was a British fighter pilot in which war.The first person dodges the question and gives it to another. The answers are (a) World War One (b) World War Two (c) Korean...
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can anyone tell me is bolton tax office is still open...
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Hi, We have an elderly poorly neighbour who we know has been struggling to look after himself. We've been seeing some of his adult children pop in and out in the last couple of months so we assumed...
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Why have they brought Bernice back? I think she's a terrible actress and hasn't really had any storylines. Anyone else agree?
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Do you enjoy it? What do you like about your job?
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I have got a heavy cold, and been keeping my nose clear using toilet paper. my neighbour tells me not to use that method as toilet paper is coated with a treatment that could be toxic...
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does anyone have the answer to full house magazine puzzle lucky number 7 issue number 17 18th april 2013 please...
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has anyone got the answer for lucky number 7 page 48 i can't fine a number 1 in the grid thanks
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Given the 10pm BBC News, is everybody ok out there? Though I guess we will only hear from those of you with power....
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I thought I would introduce myself and say hi, Im Elle, I just found this place quite by chance yesterday. Hope this is ok to post here. I bring wine, beer and chocolate, so help yourselves :) I...
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can anyone help with the answer for i'm too hex-y puzzle page 46 thank's
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The Common Denominator Does anybody else find this quiz very hard especially the end game. Certainly not one of my favourite quiz shows. Has anybody won anything on it yet. Cheap and Nasty. Beat The...
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Who's your current celebrity crush? I like that One Show wildlife reporter Miranda Krestinkoff - a rare bird indeed. And Frankie from the Saturdays can see me any day of the week....
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Then I remembered what the mechanic told me in 07. " graves yards are full of rich people". So I bought the cauli, but god what a price....
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talking to friends today one of them said she heard that some folks only change and wash bed linen once or twice a year, must be a bit stinky I would think, how often do you change yours?

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