Hi These are the initials of nursery rhyme first lines. L.L.H.A.H.I.H.P. L.B.L.B T.A.H.I.M.B. T.B.C.O.T.M. A.S.W.T.S.S.S. T.A.W.I.T.B.T. T.T.T.Y.T.S;B;S. G.S.T.M.T.B.D.B I.A.L.T.S.A.S. Realise these...
Could anyone help with these please.. 8. Leave boss (6) 23. Took to the air by car ? (3,3) 32. Collie point guided ring ? (3,8 Also for 26 I've seen whether and weather given as answers but I can't...
Places with names including a tree or with tree across uk
Norse God, not here at first, poorly.(9)
Winter Quiz
15. Complaint dampens back (4,4.)
Hope you can help me. Thanks....
A friend sent this to me and I thought I'd share it. "If I have harmed anyone in any way either knowingly or unknowingly through my own confusions I ask their forgiveness. If anyone has harmed me in...
Is this fancy bird a complaint? _ _ _ _ _ E Skirt too long? you need to do this! _ _ _ _ l _ Could be farm animals _ _ O _ _ You couldn't cash this in: _ O _ _ _ But you could cash in your _ _ _ _ S...
Name to give you a lift (6)
A spot for no.13 (4). ( answer to 13 is Norman )
Seen in Simba's study (6)
Man with a lighthouse on his head (5)
4 is very keen (5)...
the answers to these questions are dances. Was the first in The Spirit of St.Louis?5/3 letters= Go round man from Warsaw when there is a call for help?7 letters= With a little bit of this and a little...
Just a few answers needed please no. 12 Doesn't eat the lettuce? [6] no. 13 Matchmakers [6,3,3] no. 18 a H=124 CM,L=500CM,W=10CM .Dimensions of what ? [7,4,] no. 18 b Is this the very best cosmetic...
Question to those Abers who are doing Puzzle 7.I'm stuck- the 5 letter word at bottom right must end with an o.The only 5 letter word in the list ending in o is macho. This means the second last...