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anotheoldgit Poor lad he must have been scared out of his boots. Only one way for him to go, and that is to sue for the shock and trauma.....
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anotheoldgit Do we really want yet another minority group in our Police Service? If they are successful in forming this transgender group will their next demand be for...
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Apparently Boris is stepping down as chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority He said when elected he was going to personally "take charge"...
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R1Geezer - should the Aussies remove it?...
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For the attention of those braindead types who pipe up about the "global warming lot" going quiet when there's 2 days of snow and adopting the head in the sand approach:...
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would you choose to live in an Islamic Britain under sharia law or continue to live in a democracy (however imperfect)? Those of you who continually support muslims must be mad. Give me reasons why...
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http://www.dailymail....wife-94-homeless.html There is constant criticism of the Daily Mail by some on this site, they say they can't understand why anyone reads the newspaper. Well I give one good...
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Numerous "fairminded" individuals on here frequently lambast any Daily Mail article used as a link, regardless of the subject or substance. Personally, I don't care about the source for any...
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After debating the issue more times than I can remember, Has freedom of speech been abused, I refer to the banner waving fanatics, for the people who point me in the direction of Freedom and...
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Breaking News8:42am UK, Tuesday January 12, 2010 Hardline Islamist Group To Be Banned Mark White, Home Affairs correspondent The radical islamist group that sparked outrage with its proposed march...
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anotheoldgit Is it wise to spend £300m on this scheme, when the country is almost bankrupt? /// Families who would qualify for the full package would be those on...
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Listen to this man. He says it all.
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There seems to be a worldwide belief among world leaders that the world is getting warmer and that the reason for this is man made. Do you agree with this theory or do you think it is just a natural...
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Justice Secretary Jack Straw simply has no idea of the crippling amount of paperwork which Police Officers are burdened with, even when dealing with the most minor misdemeanour. So, what is the more...
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Keyplus Said below: "Now let me ask you a question, "Would you like all the religious people to give up religion completely and start thinking as you do, Simple Yes or No would do. "...
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Should they get paid? I managed to get to work - my colleague would have but her little ones school was closed....
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apparently the march through WB will only be called off if the PM/Ministers has a TV debate with the nutter in chief. Should the Gov ignore this and let it go ahead? Or presumably be at the beck and...
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I have posted in News how very glad I am that common sense has prevailed and that the march through WB by extremists will not be going ahead, a certain poster in there has posted that I hate the Irish...
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http://www.dailymail....tion-camp-stolen.html Isn't it now time, the rest of this macabre tourist attraction, was now bulldozed?...
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R1Geezer back to the good old days of labour? The trouble is that the "rich" on any scale are rare so the amount rasied even at 95% as in old labour...

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