i have been told to write an essay. i havent got a clue where to start! the question i have been givien is 'is it possible to improve quality whilst at the same time increasing production and...
Do other mammals have several different blood goups as humans have? Whether they do or not; are different blood groups somehow associated with the evolutionary process?
Was there a well known English poet who went to live in (on?) Majorca, and if so who was it and are they buried there. The earlier question about gravestones prompted this as I'm off to Majorca in...
I am an Austrian and couldn't manage to find out the meaning of this phrase. I looked up several dictionaries, encyclopedias and search engines - in vain. Please help me!
Sorry it's not news but there isn't a 'legal' section - Who polices the ombudsman i.e. I know you can make a complaint to the ombusdman if you have a greivance with a financial institution, but who do...
People from Scotland describe themselves as Scottish and dislike being called Scotch. What no-one has ever been able to explain to me is why this is so. You can have Scotch whisky, Scotch broth,...
I am an Austrian and couldn't manage to find out the meaning of this phrase. I looked up several dictionaries, encyclopedias and search engines - in vain. Please help me!
I am reading a British mystery set in the 1970's and there is
a reference made to a Teasmade machine. Being an American, I haven't a clue as to what this means. Can anyone help? Thanks.
In strictly geological terms can anyone tell me the meanings of the suffixes 'sex' and 'hampton' as in South, East and in oldern times West, and as far as hampton is concerned South and North?