Have completely lost the plot today!!! can anyone help me out. 17acGiving incorrect label.(7). 25ac. Inclined passage (5). 18dwn Thomas Gray,for Example.(7). 22dwn.Shape, fashion.(5).Thank you in...
Sir Lancelot Crossword is on page 31 The Prize Crossword on page 32 So it is impossible to enter both crosswords as they are back to back. Surely this is bad page design, they have always been on...
Some help, please:- 2 down. Indian dish of cucumber, mint & yoghurt (5 letters) AND 19 down The horizontal displacement of rock strata at a fault Many thanks for any help - and Seasons Greetings...
hello all!! And merry christmas!! Its been a long hard and mind bending chore doing this quiz but i have the last one to get now. Can anyone help?
This is a familiar phrase or saying
98 BO's BOBS...