Look at 14 they should be learning the 3 R's not nappy changing. What next, governement sponsored impregnation centres so, little Chardonnay Moonbeam can have a real baby like her Chav classmates?
when even the devotees have no logical explanation and resort to name calling is that evidence that there is no coherant defence?...
Not my words those of the BBC, so who will be the first anti English, chip on shouldder, lefty to rubbish this victory and explain it was somehow easier for England because the South Africans all had...
The Telegraph suggests that England and no doubt the other Home nations are considering pulling out for fear of terrorist attacks. Should we pull out or perhaps take a leaf out the book of these guys?...
Why would normally sane people tow a mobile hovel away from their luxury home in order to fill up a chemical kasi in a field? Not to mention introducing motoring misery to the rest of us on the way...
http://news.bbc.co.uk.../business/8411984.stm back to the good old days of labour? The trouble is that the "rich" on any scale are rare so the amount rasied even at 95% as in old labour...
This simple quiz will determine: 1) Have you ever owned an Alfa Romeo? 2) What is he fastest you have been booked for speeding? 3) Have you ever completed a track day? 4) What cars/Bikes do you own...
It seems that banks are going to discuss the phasing out of cheques. I pretty well have myself already but I do occasionally have to write one when the recipient is from the stone age. Anyway will...
Is this a waste of time bearing in mind that 90% of China's power comes from coal and they have enough for 100's of years and are unlikely to stop burning it and will therefore more than compensate...
I consider it a very serious invasion of personal space/property, a virtual rape. Some of the victims are traumatised permanently, often having to move. Yet our courts treat it like shop lifting. To...