What winds you up in the supermarket? One of my many iritations is people who stop in front of a shelf with their trolley in front of them then stand their like a zombie 10 feet of shelf, usually...
Will you be trying one of these? http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Technology/Th e-SuperSmoker---Gadgets-of-the-month/Article/2 00808215076395?lpos=Technology_3&lid=ARTICLE_1...
What are your favourite motoring myths? Things that are belived by a lot of people but are in fact untrue, wrong or non existant, eg the concept of "Right or way"
What are your favourite motoring myths? I mean things that are belived by a lot of people but in fact are wrong. For example many people believe in "right of way" when in fact there is no such thing.
I watched "Britain from above" the other week and part of the show focused on the control room for the national grid and demand for power at the end of Eastenders because of a zillion kettles going...
Now I know all the common stuff like tailgating, middle lane hogging etc etc. What I mean is what really annoys you that is really fairly harmeless but winds you up none the less. What really gets me...
Who's the best Max Cady? I watched the DeNiro one some time ago and thought it was a great performance. That was until last night when I saw the Mitchum one (1962) wow, total phsycotic menace,...
I often see people driving with their kids in the back, windows up, puffing away on a cancer stick gassing their own kids. The amusing thing is though they usually have a "child on board" sticker! I...
Not a man made phenomenon shocker! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2496902/Lord-N elson-and-Captain-Cooks-shiplogs-question-clim ate-change-theories.html It's the Telegraph people, must be true! Will...
A club I go to has SKY+ for sports etc, they are struggling financially and can no longer justify the cost. When they cancel the subscription does anyone know what actually happens? I mean essentially...
Hi can anyone tell me how I save my contacts onto the PC. I have the nokia software installed and have sucessfully transferred pictures etc. have looked at the help and as usual it makes all sorts of...
Can anyone help here. It seems the "slaves" on the ship where Monsoons, however elsewhere in the story they say the bones where from White men. Not sure how that happenned and what's all the business...